Tag Archives: Bikini

What will you be wearing…

4 Jun

Now that the Sun has finally come out to play, it got me thinking that June is the time when everyone is planning or starting to go on their summer holidays. It’s always so difficult choosing what to wear but the photo shoot below shows just how you can make your bikini or one piece suit that much more spectacular.

I’m always a fan of Patrick Demarchelier and this shoot is no exception, his photography always elevates both the model and the fashion in each frame. Lara Stone also looks great but so much different from her usual self.  The styling brings each look to another level just by focusing on accessorizing the swimwear!

Look at more photos in the gallery

These looks are easily translatable for everyday wear and I will most certainly going to stores to find the perfect pieces to accessorize my swimwear.

Bikinis… Love or Hate?

25 Mar

It’s that time of the year again when the Sun is starting come out to play (yes, this is a big deal for those of us who live in UK!) and people may be planning their holidays in all the sunny places around the world. The one essential item for us women is the BIKINI. Yes, its loved by the masses and equally hated by others.

It’s one of these pieces of clothing that brings up the good ol’ topic of body image. I will admit that I was usually the type that absolutely hated wearing Bikinis as it brought up so many issues and bodily concerns for me. However, like any other piece of clothing there’s something for everyone so that you can still look HOT but still feel comfortable.

Source: Topshop.com

Having said that, I do think Bikinis are that little bit more trickier to tackle as there is obviously less to work with!!

Here is a perfect example of a bikini that has sadly gone wrong. The cut of this bikini is just really not flattering at all on Ke$ha, to be honest (and I’m sure this goes for most of you too) my eyes were instantly drawn to those high waisted Bikini bottoms! I know the high waisted Bikini is making a break through this season but I do think that it is so hard to wear!  It only made Ke$ha’s mid area look larger than I’m sure it actually is!! What did you think of Ke$ha’s Bikini look?

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